Thursday, January 2, 2014

Train Wreck

Just imagine that you're on a railroad track and a train is fast approaching, depending on your beliefs, perhaps you'll say, “ it's not real but only an illusion” or perhaps you'll just ignore the imminent danger and do not care or perhaps you'll immediately see the danger and jump off the tracks at the last moment to safety. The example above is as obvious as 2+2=4 and that we'd all jump off to safety at different times. Unfortunately there are concepts that are not as obvious yet or self evident. They're buried in so many muddled maze of false assumptions, unhealthy family traditional practices, propaganda and vested interests by big pharmaceuticals, big business and big government. So we rely on science for discerning fact from falsehood. So we rely on trustworthy biohackers. Ultimately we rely on ourselves and so we biohack. We are all biohackers in my opinion. We've tried different foods, drugs, exercises, medications, meditations, followed a book we've read or mom's or your doctor's advice and or heaven forbid the USDA. In doing so we've either gotten healthier or degraded in health or survived somehow. That's biohacking in essence. That all powerful train fully loaded with misinformation is moving, faster and faster and mowing down any misguided ignorant by-standers on its' tracks. I am not exaggerating. We're the surviving victims of that train wreck. There's time to slow down this train from inflicting further suffering or worse death on it's path. There's compelling scientific evidence now before this train wrecks us completely but we must act now. Our health in my opinion is worth the effort and it's up to us to follow the best science now available for guidance in order to slow this train down and just maybe succeeding and bringing it to a complete halt, wishful thinking on my part. I have decided to side with science and the studies that these scientists have done. When the science is not yet available, I've sided with biohacking myself and those biohackers whom I've come to trust. So, I ask, “ when are you going to jump off those railroad tracks for your well being and better health?”

I will name some of the biggest sources fueling this run-away train that is threatening our well being. These trains have been inflicting suffering and death in numbers that's staggering. I can say that because the whole world consumes carbs and grains of which are greatly contributing to the human health degradation. I'm urging you to read the science available now or at least biohack immediately.

At the end of this blog I will provide links on the subject matter.

Remove carbohydrates from your diet. We do not need it. At the very least minimize total carbs at a very small 2 digit number in grams per day. Carbs, (carbohydrates), is processed by our system into simple sugars called glucose that feed our cells. Glucose being highly inflammatory as a fuel source for our brain/body is prematurely aging us or to put it literally, slowly devastating our body. It's slowly frying our brain and body to put it bluntly. The train may be moving slowly with carbs but it's destroying us bit by bit right now.

Do your own biohacking or research or read my first blog post, My Start, for additional information.

Remove grains containing gluten from your diet. Gluten-free is not a fad that's going away soon. It's going to be just like trans-fats or hydrogenated oils finally being recognized by our FDA just recently as bad, bad, bad after more than a decade of lobbying by caring scientists and biohackers. Science on grains is here. It's not only for those gluten-sensitive people but one and all. It's bad for everyone. It's a train wreck at our very midst. It doesn't only destroy the gut but the brain as well. I didn't know that whole wheat bread has such a high glycemic index, a slice has about 73 while a Snickers candy bar has about 48. Glycemic Index is glucose elevation or the blood sugar rise measurement after consuming certain foods. As you can see the Glycemic Index of whole grain's up there where not many foods are that high. Glucose has a Glycemic Index reading of 100. No wonder, we're literally barbecuing ourselves internally by consuming foods of a very high Glycemic Index. Furthermore, there's now a protein called Zonulin that's being used as a biomarker of gut permeability and now also involved in the permeability of the blood-brain barrier. Zonulin seems to be unique in only the human species. In general as I understand it, Zonulin releases in the small intestine upon detection of bacterial impurities that then opens the tight junction cell walls for water to enter to flush the bacterial impurity away, after Zonulin depletion these tight junction walls revert back to normal. That's good and normal but the problem's when these tight junction walls or gut doors remain open abnormally longer than necessary because of the abundance of Zonulin. Impurities then pass through into our small gut and bang,,, the pattern develops, triggering our autoimmune system, the train wreck, attacking,devouring our own self, literally. It attacks our pancreas or maybe our thyroids you name it. Difficult to fathom the idea of self-destruction but that's our autoimmune system at work ironically trying to keep us alive. In simplistic terms from my own comprehension, grains with gluten once eaten causes a Zonulin-like effect which opens the tight gut cell wall junctions, as well as causing permeability of the blood-brain barrier because it contains Gliadin that mimics Zonulin. Amazing finding, that Gliadin, a component of gluten, having the same effect as our human natural protein Zonulin. Can you imagine the wide ranging negative implications of gluten on our brain and body? There's no cure to date from my research except of course by the total elimination of gluten containing grains or foods. Carbs + Grains containing gluten is deadly and must be removed permanently from our diet. Remember too that grains are so high in glycemic index that consider it, if nothing else, as having very high carbs. It's been the 2 biggest loads fueling that train, wrecking our health for a long time. It's time to vanish them away permanently from our diet. I'm afraid that it's not going away any time soon as people remain ignorant and the demand remains strong.

For me explaining something in a few paragraphs doesn't do justice to the work done by the scientists that took years and billions of dollars to do. I intended to only show highlights in as simple a manner as I could make it.  


I owe so much from all these people of the Gluten Summit:
Here are just some of them:

Tom O'Brady, MD, CCN, DACBN,
The Gluten Summit organizer. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Allesio Fassano, MD,
He may have the gluten cure real soon.

David Perlmutter, MD, AFCN, ABIHM,
Wrote, Grain Brain, a must have book.

William Davies, MD
Wheat Belly, another must have book.

A biohacker scientist in my opinion. Unbelievable one page infographic food chart creator, a must have and all for free. You do not know coffee till you've learned and tasted his Bullet Proof Coffee.

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