Wednesday, June 29, 2016

                                                                 Ayn Rand, My Reference

Ayn Rand gave me validation on what I know is in conjunction with reality. I know now therefore living on this earth is understandable and its purpose is happiness. Happiness is doing what I like without restrictions, harming no one nor allowing others from harming me. Ayn Rand resolved the idea of an objective philosophy for me as a guide for living happily. That thinking is our free will to choose and emotions is what we are but not necessarily real, hence act via reasoned thinking strictly.
                                                                 Food as Nutrition
Foods that we eat sustain us, satisfy us, keep us alive but the idea here's foods that not only sustain us but keep us strong till the very end of our lives, nutritious foods.
                                                                 Healthy Fats
Eat healthy fats, no matter how we've been brainwashed, fats are vitally important for our body/brain. It's, (fat), been vilified so much so that it's nearly impossible to find today as well as being looked upon as the bad food. For an easy healthy fat fix, the Bulletproof Exec created his instamix product.  An easy way of obtaining that vital healthy fat daily intake. I carry it with me for coffee making or addition to a vinaigrette dressing for salads when on the road. If you're into juicing then add as it's good tasting. It might just be the healthy fat solution for you, too?
                                                           Here are Sources of Healthy Fats
Meats, plus all their fats, too, from grass-fed or pastured animals only, 100% grass-fed ideally and their bones for broth or soups.
Fish, wild caught and never farmed.
Butter from grass-fed animals.
Avocados, of course, An Avocado A Day Beat's An Apple Any-day. AAADBAAA
Nuts but find the raw and bake it yourself.
Eggs from pastured hens.
Oils from coconuts, MCTs for a no coconut flavor oil, Olive oils, extra virgin and only if you trust the manufacturer as lots of fakes. Just avoid processed oils, the veggie hydrogenated oils all together must be thrown away. Those oils, (Veggie Hydrogenated Oils), are generally used in those nuts so buy raw nuts also used in fast food french fries so avoid french fries or popcorn unless you make it yourself with coconut, mct, avocado or olive oils with lots of grass-fed butter and or ghee and again grass-fed. Ghee, BTW, doesn't burn as quickly as butter does so cooking with it's best.
Eliminate sugars, the toxin itself. Avoid fructose, the villain as well, like in apple juice or orange juice. You'll see, HFCS, (High Fructose Corn Syrup), as an ingredient in most processed foods and avoid them all. HFCS's even found in peanut butter or any breads at the supermarket. HFCS's used as fat's been removed rendering foods bland and tasting like cardboard. Teri, make's the best peanut butter ever but of course using raw almonds that she runs through a food processor till creamy. If you really care download the best food chart, Best Food Chart.                                            
                                                Vegetables, The Good
Fruits minimize and eat berries if you must.                
                                                 Cholesterol Is The Good
Also, cholesterol associated with fats and eggs, hogwash! Dr. Perlmutter on Cholestoral
                                                The Good, Coffee!
Only been drinking coffee a few years but it's the best thing I've ever done, surely a super food. I'm of course talking about the BPC coffee as breakfast food.and the only meal, ought to say nutrition I need till late lunch and occasionally till dinner as I do not get hungry till then. Satiety factor's the key thus those evil hunger pangs conquered, resulting in optimum weight, naturally and healthy, a win, win.
                                                  The Good, Vitamin D
Need supplementation as most are deficient, about 1000 IU per 25 lbs of adult weight daily.                                                                    The Bad, Sugar!
I heard a scientist say that sugar's more addictive than cocaine, so you see the epidemic, also, hidden sugars in most processed foods, starches. Avoid the killer, sugar! Substitute Stevia, my fave or other tree based sugars like Xylitol. Grains too are not a health food, avoid.
The human body's mainly made up of 2 major muscle fiber groups, the fast twitch and slow twitch. Of course, we've become an aerobic-crazed, sheep society and see that as the ultimate exercise regimen? Well, wait a minute now, most if not all aerobic exercises neglect the fast twitch muscle fibers. Therefore, you see how only half of our bodily muscle fibers are being exercised, the slow twitch but the fast twitch neglected and so it atrophies. So, we age faster and we get weaker and weaker because we don't know and neglect the fast twitch muscle fibers, they're anaerobic. I want to scream it, "what about the fast twitch muscle fibers stupid?"  Not easy to reach those fast twitch muscle fibers. There's Super Slow Exercise by Dr. McGuff. Another's KAATSU which I do a variation daily just for those neglected fast twitch muscle fibers.

Hope to have encapsulated a complex system of getting healthy to those unsatisfied with their health. Yes, mental health, Ayn Rand and physical health, this blog. I didn't add anything new really but reinforcing my original research findings even more so, do your own biohacking as it's your health? There's the microbiome but that's going to be good with the food mentioned here.  OK, time will tell but I just want to be as happy and strong for as long as I can and to those folks I care about. Like a race horse having lived fully then to pasture and finally just falling instantly dead.

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